Win tickets to End of The Road

Hola!  We’re interrupting a sweaty sound check at Sonorama to bring you news of an exciting competition.   We'd like to offer you a chance to win two tickets to come and see us at End of The Road festival by answering this simple question:Whose knees are these? Above you will see a knees only shot of two members of the band. Tell us who they are in order to enter into our draw. We will put all correct answers into a hat or similar vessel before drawing and announcing the winner at midday on Wednesday the 21st August via Facebook & Twitter.So get identifying and send your answers in an email to with the heading  'Whose Knees?', along with your name and telephone number and we’ll forward the winner’s details on to the good people at End of The Road who will furnish them with their tickets in time for the festival.  The closing date is midnight (BST), 20th August.


Portugal, Paredes de Coura Festival


Burgos -Spain, Festival Sonorama