The Royal Albert Hall - An Exhibition

JoHi everyone,As some of you know, we've got a couple of shows coming up at The Royal Albert Hall in London, in June.The arty guys at the hall got in touch with us and asked us if we would consider hosting an art exhibit for a few weeks around that time. we considered, and we said YES.So we're going to dig up some archive images and merchandise and scrapbook kind of stuff, but we had another idea too, and it involves you.We want you to pick a Belle And Sebastian track that means something to you. You could like it a lot, you could hate it, as long as it does something for you. And we'd like you to write a few words on what it does, or did for you.You don't have to have tickets for the show to be considered: we will look at all your efforts, all your anecdotes, your poetry, your stories.Pick a track, tell us how it makes you feel, tell us a tale related to the song, whatever you feel like!  128 words would be a good guideline!ANDWe'd like you to send us a picture too. A photograph. Of yourself, or of something related to the words you've written. If you send a picture of yourself  (high res please!) , maybe it could be one of you when you first heard the song, or one of you in B&S related guise (a t-shirt would do..Be free, be groovy: a little art project that shouldn't take you too long.Our goal - to blow up our favourite 50 and display in the Amphi Corridor gallery in the Albert Hall, where everyone will be able to see them for three weeks or so.Please email your entries to with 'RAH Art' in the title.We'll have more info soon about other happenings surrounding the two shows at the Albert Hall.   In the meantime, you'll find us at home in Glasgow under a mountain of dusty photo albums!Yours always,B&S  Xxx


Sleevenotes - Tigermilk


On Blackheath - Tickets On Sale