Models Required: No experience necessary. No pouting necessary

Hi FolksWe've been recording music, and it comes to the point where we're starting to think of artwork. I'm thinking this might be a series of vinyl EPs.I'd like to take a few pictures of people, and I thought you could help me.I'm looking for 50 or so volunteers to be models on these new records. I want to get some interesting faces: a representation of the population. I thought I could ask you guys since you're usually keen to help!I'd do the shoot in london, sometime in the next couple of months, but you'd need to get back to us fairly quickly. Send us a picture of yourself, head and shoulders best*. You don't have to pout for Britain, just be yourself!(we obviously can't pay for you to get to london, so you'd prob have to live close..)I wouldn't need to dress you for the shoot as it's mostly head shots I'm after, so it should be straight forward enough.Look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to tell your pals too if you think they might be inclined.Stuart(*email your pics before end of December to: with the header 'HEADSHOT')


Models Required: Apply Within


Nov 11th, 2016. Observations on a new birth.