God Help The Girl - Kickstarter update

A huge thanks to everyone who has donated either large or small amounts and helped spread the word about the God Help The Girl Kickstarter campaign. The film now has nearly 600 backers who have combined to raise a total of just over $60000 so far! Nevertheless, we still have a fair way to go and remember that we receive nothing if we don’t hit our target of $100k by February 12th.As well as the enamel crew badges pictured above, there are a wide range of both new items and a few of the original ones left. . . you can donate anything from $5 for a digital postcard to $5000 for the first ever test pressing of Tigermilk, depending on your budget, and in amongst the rewards there is bound to be something to catch your fancy. The full list of rewards is on the Kickstarter page and you can follow the progress over the next 3 weeks using the widget below:Thanks again to everyone who has helped so far, it really is appreciated. Even if you cannot help, you can still help us spread the word by sharing on facebook, twitter or with friends and family. Every little bit will really help get the film made!


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