God Help The Girl Kickstarter

As those who have been following the progress of God Help The Girl will know, Stuart and the film's producers are in the final stages of putting together the funding for the movie to allow shooting to begin in Glasgow during the summer.With support already in place from a number of generous benefactors, commitments from distributors and the UK Tax rebate we are well on our way to reaching our target, as Graham Samuels' visual representation shows :However, there is still work to be done! As well as our ongoing discussions with funders in the UK, we are launching a Kickstarter campaign - both to help fill a gap in the finances but also to prove to these funders that we already have an involved and enthusiastic audience in waiting for the film.For those not familiar with the concept of Kickstarter, it allows us to raise funds and you to become involved in either a small or large way with the making of the film. To do this, we have arranged a range of rewards with the intention of inspiring you to invest in the film! These range from pledges as low as $5 (which gets you a personalised digital postcard to acknowledge your help) up to $3000, which will get you a walk on part in the film.$10 will see you credited as a friend of God Help The Girl on the website. Larger donations could secure you a tour of film locations in and around Glasgow conducted by Stuart or 45 minutes of Skype advice on your film project from GHTG producer, Barry Mendel. B&S fans may be particularly interested in Stuart's gold disc for Tigermilk or one of the props from the film.Here's Stuart and Barry pondering the film finance by way of further background:To find out more and survey the menu, head over to our Kickstarter page and see if we can tempt you!


God Help The Girl update


Make Do & Mend - B&S Supports Finders Keepers