Dance & Lip Synch in a Belle and Sebastian video

Can you lip synch or dance or both at the same time? Do you want to appear in the video for 'Belle and Sebastian (Live)’, a track from What To Look For In Summer?Here’s how:1. Find a pal who can film you OR you’ll need to balance your camera or phone against a stable object facing you.2. Cue up the new live version of the song ‘Belle & Sebastian’ on your nearest device.3. Look to camera, hit record, get ready to dance & press play!The band want to create a new video with a variety of lip synching (singing along) & dancing clips submitted by you to accompany our live recording of 'Belle & Sebastian'. Have fun! Go outdoors! Dress up!We’ll accept entries * until November 13th.*Please capture horizontal footage in 1080p HD (most mobile phone cameras will do!), upload to your fileshare of choice (WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc), and email to bellevideo@matadorrecords.comBelle and Sebastian (live)


The Fox In The Snow (live)


New live LP - What to Look For in Summer - out December 11th