Concern Raffle Winner

And the winner of our online raffle for the Irish charity, Concern Worldwide, is, drumroll...... Joanne Ryan!Joanne and a very lucky friend will be jetting off to Barcelona, to Primavera Sound where they'll see us perform along side a host of other amazing artists including Pulp, The National, Low, Explosions in the Sky, Sufjan Stevens, and loads more. Runners up Pat Barrett and McCall Gilfillan win a array for Belle & Sebastian goodies - well done guys!Congratulations to all three winners, and a big big thank you to everyone who entered the raffle and raised over €2,500 for Concern. Funds raised will go to help improve the lives of the poorest people in 25 of the world’s poorest countries. For more information on Concern you can click here.B&S x


May 4th, 2011. "Irked, but only for a moment"


WARSAW, Stodola