Boaty Lineup Announcement!

It’s the start of September, Belle and Sebastian are facing the autumn term, back in the studio, back to the blackboard, sharpening their plectrums and already dreaming of next summer.If only there was something to look forward to, a party, an adventure, something on the horizon, something to take the chill out of the thought of winter...The Boaty Weekender: a sail around the Med, a nice little trip with friends, some of the best people, in some of the best places!We’ve asked around, we collected the first shipmates. They're going to earn their passage by playing their best for you, digging deep into their musical reservoirs.We’re really going to try to make this a great holiday. We’d love to have you along for the trip!“I thought about a new destinationI'm never short of new inspirationRoll out the map and mark it with a gin!”B&S 


Yo La Tengo confirmed for The Boaty Weekender


Dance with us this Friday!