A GHTG Kickstarter Update

Here's an update from the GHTG production team for all you Kickstarting heroes out there:hello kickstarters,apologies for our long silence. we've had our heads down finishing the film and getting it ready to be seen.to recap, we shot the movie in the summer of 2012. during the fall, spring and early summer, we edited and did six rough cut screenings in glasgow, london and LA which you might have heard about. those helped us hone the film, which is now complete. it's been edited, scored, mixed, color timed, title cards made, outputted, it’s done.this summer, while stuart was on tour with belle & sebastian, we submitted it to the major north american festivals and thankfully, were met with an enthusiastic response.we've chosen the one where the debut will take place, but we've been asked not to mention it until the official announcement in a month's time.we can say that the festival will be early next year, and it will be a good one.we've not yet shown the film to any american distributors, the festival will be the first time any of them see it. once we know who that is, we'll be able to set a release date for the film to come out in theatres in the states.we do already have deals with some great distributors who showed faith in the film sight unseen, in the UK (metrodome), australia (transmission), spain (avalon) and taiwan (atom), for example.we've decided to wait to set release date outside the states until we know the US release date in order to take advantage of the publicity that will be kicked up there.as for your prizes, we've had visitors to the edit and mix, stuart's played scrabble, and we're working our way through getting them to you as each are ready.there's not yet a poster or the main iconic image or images that will carry the torch for the film. we’re at work on that now. once we have it, we can fulfill all the poster, t-shirt, etc. prizes.the premieres will happen a week or two before the general theatrical release in each of the respective cities. the DVD and digital downloads won't happen until after the theatrical release in each territory.the bus tour will be 2014 - possibly just after our festival premiere. we will update those backers on that shortly as we know you you have to book travlel.if you're owed a prize and are wondering when it might be ready, please write us and we should be able to give you at least a general timeframe. rest assured every prize will be delivered at its earliest date.if you're feeling frustrated by the wait, we definitely understand. the kickstarter campaign was in december-february 2011-2012, for christmas sake!this film, like most, has taken a long time to make.after we complete this first festival and also screenings for international distributors in berlin in february, we will start announcing release dates. we expect the film to actually be available in theatres for you to see in either the summer or fall (2014), with DVD and digital to follow.we're grateful as always for your support and also your patience.if you have any thoughts, questions or worries, please write us.thanks, barry


Hurricane & Southside festivals announced for 2014


The Third Eye Centre